Jane's Silhouette Special Edition, The Missing Heir, is her 19th book for Harlequin and Silhouette, and her 69th published book, counting print and electronic books. Though she does write paranormal fantasies, mysteries, and horror, most of her stories are contemporary or historical romances. Jane began writing as a child, encouraged by her father, who was a published non-fiction author. He was a marvelous editor, praising what was good before pointing out the flaws needing correction, giving her confidence in her ability. He became totally deaf at the age of 35 and, since Jane wasn't born until he was 40, his deafness also helped her as a budding writer. The only way to communicate with her father was in writing. In order to encourage her-and others-to talk to him, he became adept at asking questions that made people want to take the trouble to scribble on the yellow legal pad he always had at hand. For example, she remembers him asking her what she'd seen while walking to school. This caused her to take notice of what she did see in order to be able to have something to tell him. So at an early age she learned specific observation, a necessary tool for any writer. Jane grew up in a small town in Michigan's Upper Peninsula on the shore of Lake Superior, one she's recently returned to after many years away. She has five children by her first husband and collected two stepchildren when she married her second husband. These seven have produced seven grandchildren. One of the grandchildren just had a baby boy which makes Jane-gasp!-a great-grandmother, something she isn't quite used to. She and Elmer, who went to school with her, now live together very happily in their old hometown. They were acquired by a calico cat named Kinko three years ago, and she rules them with an iron paw. Jane enjoys hearing from readers. She can be reached by email at jtoombs@jamadots.com.